Lee Plaza, Domestic Worker | CA

Domestic workers like me are on the front lines of this crisis and we need protections. Many of us are putting out own health at risk working in private homes or facilities and we need support to keep ourselves and our families safe too. We are essential front line workers.

Lee Plaza, Domestic Worker | CA

It took a pandemic, but we are seeing how child care, paid leave and home and community care are essential infrastructures to a strong economy — just like roads, bridges and broadband, families and workers need care.

We need permanent investments in our care infrastructure — universal child care, universal, permanent paid leave, universal access to home and community-based services, family-sustaining jobs in our care economy, with living wages, a union and a path to citizenship for the immigrant workforce.

If we invest in and value care for the essential work that it is, we can speed an economic recovery that is swift, equitable and sustainable for all of us.

Learn more about our #CareIsEssential campaign and our policy demands to invest in home and community-based services.

Learn more about our work with Caring Across Generations and the #CareCantWait coalition to create a comprehensive care infrastructure.

The pandemic has shown us that care is the most valuable resource in our country.

Congress must invest in the American care infrastructure by providing funding for home-and-community-based services (HCBS) that would benefit us all.

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