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Every day, we're one step closer to winning dignity, respect, and rights for millions of domestic workers. Join us today and get involved!

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See the local, state, and national campaigns NDWA is working on now. Make a difference and take action on one of our campaigns today!

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Join our movement as we fight for the millions of nannies, housecleaners, and home care workers who care for us. Get involved and sign up to receive updates from us via email, SMS and on social media.

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NDWA is the home for domestic workers and provides a space to share information, get support, and organize to win rights. If you are a domestic worker, become a member today to connect with other domestic workers and be part of our work to win dignity and respect!

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Donate to help us build dignity, power and respect for the millions of nannies, housecleaners, and home care workers who care for us. Support NDWA today - every donation makes a difference.

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Get Inspired

Sunstorm is a motivational podcast hosted by two of America’s leading organizers, Alicia Garza and Ai-jen Poo, where they talk to their friends and sheroes about how women stay powerful and joyful amidst the chaos of life in America today.

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Visit Care in Action: The policy and advocacy home for women who care.

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We bring our vision to life by building power that unites us rather than divides us – we wield that power to win change through our programs and campaigns.

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