Spotlighting Domestic Workers:
A Roadmap for Film & TV

Discover the art of authentic storytelling about domestic workers in film & television through our comprehensive guide.

Spotlighting Domestic Workers: A Roadmap for Film & TV

Research Report

Spotlighting Domestic Workers: Representation in Film & TV

Preview of Spotlighting Domestic Workers: Representation in Film & TV


NDWA partnered with the Norman Lear Center, Media Impact Project, to compile the first research report to ever document the representation of domestic workers in scripted film & TV over the last 100 years. The report serves as a catalyst to change the narrative around domestic work and its majority women of color workforce. From our analysis, NDWA has the following 5 recommendations for developing stories for Film & Television:

5 Recommendations for Domestic Worker Representation

Consider how race and ethnicity are impacting characterization.

Historically, white domestic workers have had more prominent roles and been portrayed with higher competence than their domestic worker peers of color.

It's not quantity, it's quality of representation.

Feature domestic workers in prominent and developed roles that showcase their full lives.

We need more stories about care.

Care work is on track to become the fastest growing work sector, but it's barely mentioned on screen.

Reimagine the future by portraying a society where domestic work is respected.

Tell stories that illustrate the value domestic workers bring to our lives.

Consult with domestic workers when developing storylines and characters.

NDWA can provide expertise and access to authentic stories.

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