Empowering women to make a difference

Sunstorm is a motivational podcast hosted by Alicia Garza and Ai-jen Poo, where they talk to their friends and sheroes about how women stay powerful and joyful amidst the chaos of life in America today.

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Centering domestic workers

In 2019, NDWA launched a highly successful campaign around the Academy Award-winning film Roma, bursting open the conversation about the visibility and value of domestic workers.

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Collaborating with Hollywood

NDWA is engaging with Hollywood to tell authentic, captivating stories that put domestic workers in the spotlight.

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Domestic workers say #MeToo

NDWA joined a chorus of voices in the #MeToo movement to say #TimesUp.

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Partnering with artists and storytellers

NDWA collaborates with artists and influencers to tell stories and create immersive experiences to shift how people think, feel and behave in the world.

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Domestic Workers Reimagine the Narrative

Through our Pop Culture Worker Council, we recognize the deep knowledge domestic workers hold as well as value and invest in worker member leaders as savvy storytellers, cultural critics, and sharp spokespeople.

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