Breaking: Join a Local #BansOffOurBodies Rally Today!
Breaking: Join a Local #BansOffOurBodies Rally Today!

Breaking: Join a Local #BansOffOurBodies Rally Today!
Breaking: Join a Local #BansOffOurBodies Rally Today!

The time to fight for reproductive health and rights is now.

We’re sure you’ve heard about the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion that appears to overturn Roe v. Wade and take away our fundamental right to choose.

While we want to be clear that this is just a leaked document and not a final decision and abortion is still legal, we will not stand by as the constitutional right to abortion is obliterated.

Our vision for the future has always centered around caring solutions, safety, and economic freedom for women of color. The domestic worker movement — the Black, Brown, Indigenous, and AAPI women who fight for care — are building a society and an economy that cares more about the safety of women — not less. And as a movement of workers who have historically been excluded from fundamental worker rights, we refuse to let our fundamental health care rights be taken away.

Ready to join the fight? Pledge to rally in your community at 5 PM TODAY, May 3.

We are encouraging everyone to gather in town squares, in front of federal courthouses and federal office buildings. In D.C., we’ll be on the steps of the Supreme Court all evening to declare #BansOffOurBodies and make clear that abortion is health care and we will NOT give up.


We cannot build an equitable economic future if we do not control our own reproductive futures. The full range of our health care, including abortion, is not an elective — it’s a necessity to realize a world where women of color thrive.

As events are coming together on short notice, check social media, reach out to local political groups, and ask friends and neighbors for details of the events in your area. Use the Federal Court Finder tool to find your local courthouse. And above all else, don’t give up.

See you in the streets.

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