The National Domestic Workers Alliance collaborates with a range of extraordinary partners – including organizations, local communities, businesses and individuals – to harness the collective power of millions of people to achieve our vision of an economy and democracy rooted in justice, equality, and interdependence for all.

NDWA Affiliate Organizations and Local Chapters

National Domestic Workers Alliance is powered by over 70 affiliate organizations and local chapters. NDWA affiliates are independent organizations that organize and support domestic workers in cities across the country. Together with our affiliates, we can reach and leverage the power of hundreds of thousands of domestic workers across the country.

Organizations and Coalition Partners

Our network enables us to successfully advance our policy work.

Culture Makers

NDWA collaborates with artists and influencers to tell stories and create immersive experiences to shift key narratives about domestic work.

Domestic Worker Members

NDWA is the home for thousands of domestic workers and provides a space to share information, get support, and organize to win rights. Join our community today to connect with other domestic workers and be part of our work to win dignity and respect!

Care Champions

More than 350,000 individuals have joined our movement to ensure care jobs are good jobs with dignity, economic security, and opportunity for advancement. While anchored in domestic work, our work forges a path toward an economy and democracy rooted in justice, equality, and interdependence for all. Get involved today and join us by signing up below!

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